Petite bouquet, brights


A petite hand-tied bouquet perfect for family members, wedding attendants, and flower kids. The bouquet will be designed in your selected color palette with the designer’s choice of fresh blooms. Accented with foliage and finished with coordinating chiffon ribbon. Exact bouquet size may vary slightly depending on seasonal and market availability of flowers.

All bouquets will be packed in a glass cylinder and wrapped in tissue for transport.

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A petite hand-tied bouquet perfect for family members, wedding attendants, and flower kids. The bouquet will be designed in your selected color palette with the designer’s choice of fresh blooms. Accented with foliage and finished with coordinating chiffon ribbon. Exact bouquet size may vary slightly depending on seasonal and market availability of flowers.

All bouquets will be packed in a glass cylinder and wrapped in tissue for transport.

A petite hand-tied bouquet perfect for family members, wedding attendants, and flower kids. The bouquet will be designed in your selected color palette with the designer’s choice of fresh blooms. Accented with foliage and finished with coordinating chiffon ribbon. Exact bouquet size may vary slightly depending on seasonal and market availability of flowers.

All bouquets will be packed in a glass cylinder and wrapped in tissue for transport.

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